Statistical Inference I: Method Of Moment: One of the oldest method of finding estimator is Method of Moment, it was discovered by Karl Pearson in 1884. Method of Moment Estimator Let X1, X2, ........Xn be a random sample from a population with probability density function (pdf) f(x, θ) or probability mass function (pmf) p(x) with parameters θ1, θ2,……..θk. If μ r ' (r-th raw moment about the origin) then μ r ' = ∫ -∞ ∞ x r f(x,θ) dx for r=1,2,3,….k .........Equation i In general, μ 1 ' , μ 2 ' ,…..μ k ' will be functions of parameters θ 1 , θ 2 ,……..θ k . Let X 1 , X 2 ,……X n be the random sample of size n from the population. The method of moments consists of solving "k" equations (in Equation i) for θ 1 , θ 2 ,……..θ k to obtain estimators for the parameters by equating μ 1 ' , μ 2 ' ,…..μ k ' with the corresponding sample moments m 1 ' , m 2 ' ,…..m k ' . Where m r ' = sample m...
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